Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Decorah Female Bald Eagle

Ok, this is not a seed picker or peanut thief. But, she's in the family and pretty impressive, so I have to include these eagles from Decoarah, Iowa in my blog. I hope you don't mind!

What a thrill it was to drive to Decorah and see this eagle live after watching her on the nest cam for 2 months.

Decorah Eagles Nest

The adult female Bald Eagle contemplates leaving the nest. After a few seconds she did, returning with a trout from the fish hatchery.

Lessons in Life

This poor juvenile Bald Eagle is taking a beating from two Red-winged Blackbirds. The two blackbirds were on a branch behind the eagle. Here the two attacked the eagle at the same time. The one Blackbird is out of sight by they have just pummeled the juvenile eagle, hitting her in the back and knocking her off balance. The blackbirds were relentless. Each time the birds would attack she would cry. It was hard to watch. You had to feel sorry for the eagle. The blackbirds would attack her head and she would cower and cry.

The poor dear was learning a lesson in her new life that raptors are not well liked by other birds. She stayed on that limb for about an hour and a half taking the beating on and off the whole time.

Juvenile Eagle Decorah Iowa

One of the juvenile Decorah Bald Eagles leaves the nest scene for a branch with a view. The eagle was continually harassed by a Baltimore Oriole and a Grackle. They didn't bother him/her much. Duck when you have to but otherwise ignore them!

I really like this particular pose. The bird is very much at attention. It's fully focused on something.

Nest Buddies

Juvenile Bald Eagles Decorah, Iowa. At the Fish Hatchery.

It's been fun watching these Decorah, Iowa juvenile Bald Eagles mature. There are three juveniles. Two of them are best buddies. I understand they are the last two to hatch. The first eaglet that hatched is very independent. These two spend a lot of time together in the nesting tree, on top of the barn or at the fish hatchery. Here, they are looking over the fish hatchery.

Nest Buddies

Juvenile Bald Eagles Decorah, Iowa. At the Fish Hatchery.

It's been fun watching these Decorah, Iowa juvenile Bald Eagles mature. There are three juveniles. Two of them are best buddies. I understand they are the last two to hatch. The first eaglet that hatched is very independent. These two spend a lot of time together in the nesting tree, on top of the barn or at the fish hatchery. Here, they are looking over the fish hatchery.

Nest Buddies

Juvenile Bald Eagles Decorah, Iowa. At the Fish Hatchery.

It's been fun watching these Decorah, Iowa juvenile Bald Eagles mature. There are three juveniles. Two of them are best buddies. I understand they are the last two to hatch. The first eaglet that hatched is very independent. These two spend a lot of time together in the nesting tree, on top of the barn or at the fish hatchery. Here, they are looking over the fish hatchery.