Saturday, January 8, 2011

I'm cold and I want a seed NOW!

On November 10 we had a blizzard! Sustained 25-30 mph winds gusting to 40mph. The birds didn't seem to care too much. When the winds were at the worst, the birds would attempt to fly to the deck rail. As you can see from the picture, the birds fly to the deck from the trees in the background. The birds faced a head wind trying to get to the deck. We watched as birds tried to fly into the wind only to be blown back. A Red Bellied Woodpecker made it to the deck rail only to be blown off! A Blue Jay tried his best to get to the peanut ring only to be blown back from the deck. It was incredible. These birds were not deterred. They would try until they did make it. It was funny as we watched various birds turn their backside to the wind to feed in the seed dish that was frozen to the deck rail, and as they lowered their heads to pick seeds the wind would catch their hinder and tail and nearly blow them head over heels, so to speak.

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