Sunday, January 9, 2011

So, I was sitting on the deck........

......right by the rail, when six feet in front of me, I see a blur and hear a THWAP! There on the deck rail was this female Pileated Woodpecker staring me in the face! I didn't move. She sat on the deck rail for what seemed like a minute just staring at me. With a hop she launched herself onto the suet feeder about 3 feet away. I ever so slowly raised the camera from my lap and started firing. She didn't move. I still don't know why she didn't fly when she saw me move. She had to see me move. The Pileated's are very, very shy and will launch at the sight of the smallest of movement. She didn't and I was thrilled. I don't think too many people get the opportunity of being just a few feet away from one of these incredible looking birds. I'm blessed!

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