Saturday, January 15, 2011

Our Pileated

I was sitting in our sun room this morning drinking my coffee and heard the voice of an old familiar friend. I sprinted for the camera. I managed to squeeze off a handful captures before she flew down to the deck. It's interesting how she approaches the deck in flight. She's usually a good number of feet higher than the deck when she pushes off from the tree. She dives below deck level then swoops upward as she hits the suet feeder. Never a straight line flight to the feeder, always the big dip and swooping upward to the feeder. Interesting.

Our friend didn't stay long at the feeder however. As she always does she looks all around checking to make sure its safe before she dives in. Today, something caught her attention straight off. She had a keen interest in something going on behind her back. She would stare then shift her head one side then the other then stare again. This went on for what seemed to be a minute. Something was up. Then she flat out hit a dead stare and flew to the tree she just came from. We ran to the window opposite and found a flock of what must have been 200 ducks. They were circling about 150 feet to the north, her back. She apparently saw the sky darkened by all these ducks and didn't care for it a all. Unfortunately, they scared her enough to send her back to where she came from. We didn't see her the rest of the day. Maybe tomorrow!

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