Sunday, January 16, 2011

Resting Mourning Dove

We have a flock of Mourning Doves about 30 in number. I like them. I have on the deck beside the feeders a heated water dish. The Mourning Doves love it. They'll gather 3 or 4 at a time to get a drink. The coldest night this year was close to 15 below zero. The water dish was open for the birds come morning.

Another reason I love the Mourning Doves is that they are great "Deck Maids". They are continually picking at the spilled seeds on the deck floor helping me keep it picked up.  The Blue Jays and Chickadees are little winged pigs. They'll sit in the middle of the dish of seeds and then take flight scattering seeds better than a John Deere seed planter ever could. Good old doves.

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